札幌医科大学 地域医療総合医学講座

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Community and General Medicine

Our Department was established in 1999. Its mission is to make a significant contribution to community medical care in Hokkaido. The Department has two primary goals: one is to produce primary care physicians through sound, systematic, undergraduate and graduate medical education; the other is to promote research on community medical care, general medicine/practice, clinical epidemiology and holistic medicine.

1. Medical student education

As we become more and more actively involved in undergraduate medical education, not only do we find it vital in terms of generating patient-oriented physicians, but also important in terms of research since the methodology of medical education lags behind time and remains to be improved.  We are currently planning to conduct the following research. Qualitative analysis of student education in medical interviewing. Qualitative analysis of student education in physical examination. Research on the role of generalists in medical student education

2. Common diseases/medical problems in primary care

We as generalists encounter common medical problems in our daily practice which are somewhat different from those of the usual population, as our clinic is located in a tertiary care setting. We intend to focus on these common problems and plan on conducting prospective research into their epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and natural history.  Currently projects on the following are under protocol development. HeadacheDizziness, Insomnia, and so on.

3. Physical diagnosis

We have a special interest in the characteristics of physical findings in medical diagnosis, i.e., their specificity, sensitivity, positive/negative predictive values, and likelihood ratios. We plan to select important clinical findings encountered in primary care and study their sensitivity and specificity in comparison with the gold standard in diagnosis.

4. Cost-effectiveness analysis

Another of our interests is to study cost-effectiveness in health care, thereby understanding the logic behind important health policy decisions and also possibly contributing to such decision making.

5. Cultural aspects of medicine and medical care

The patient develops illnesses, and the physician and the surgeon diagnose and treat diseases.  What is also important when working as a doctor is to understand the patients' background and culture and not just the disease the patient has. "Narrative-based medicine" is a new and old way of looking at medical care from the patient's perspective through the story that the patient gives.  It departs from the traditional, biological model, and introduces sociological and anthropological methods into medicine. Our goal is to conduct quantitative research in this arena, e.g., on patients' behavior, their understanding of illnesses, and their compliance.Wari Yamamoto